Ever since I was a young lad I dreamed of the day of having a H&K MP5, Ok maybe not since I was a young lad but at least the last 15 years. About 3 months ago a friend of mine ( we'll call him Jay ) showed me this great new gun that was coming out. Needless to say I was very excited ( any time a new fancy gun comes out I'm excited ) my wife wasn't! we'll guess what, it came in. I put 400 rounds through it this last weekend and holy crap is it fun.
The GSG-5 was designed from scratch to be a very close replica to the MP5. The controls are identical. The appearance is very close, and unless you have a real MP5 right there to compare against, you'd be hard pressed to find the differences.
"Just Like the MP-5, But in .22!"
Here is a you tube link to a guy ( not me ) shooting the gun
Thanks Jay!! Money well spent!